Select Care. Carefully Selected.

We are committed to matching families who qualify with the highest caliber caregivers.

Optional Title

Site Colors

$white: #ffffff;
$black: #2a2a2a;
$silver: #bcc6cc;
$gray: #3c3c3c;
$sunrise: #b84d4d;
$blacktulip: #420943;
$newmoon: #7f8fb0;
$royalblue: #122c5d;
$mauve: #9c7d92;
$pearl: #f2e5d4;

Orci Luctus

Vestibulum lobortis odio sit amet tempus laoreet. Donec accumsan eros quis condimentum rhoncus. Curabitur sodales cursus mi sed varius. Aenean vitae diam porta, laoreet ante gravida, efficitur justo.

Ultrices Posuere

Vestibulum lobortis odio sit amet tempus laoreet. Donec accumsan eros quis condimentum rhoncus. Curabitur sodales cursus mi sed varius. Aenean vitae diam porta, laoreet ante gravida, efficitur justo.

class "boxup", No Graphics

The background is silver, and the lines around the edges are purple. This is sample body text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus dictum condimentum magna. Vivamus sagittis ornare dui eget ultrices. oti

Three Up, No Graphics

The background is silver, and the lines around the edges are purple. This is sample body text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus dictum condimentum magna. Vivamus sagittis ornare dui eget ultrices. oti

Three Up, No Graphics

The background is silver, and the lines around the edges are purple. This is sample body text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus dictum condimentum magna. Vivamus sagittis ornare dui eget ultrices. oti

caret-down caret-up caret-left caret-right

“Single line testimonial”

Megan Meganowski, Chicago IL

“Single line testimonial”

Megan Meganowski, Chicago IL

Supporting Paragraph, Pearl Headline

Again, this is is a “full width” slab, not a “full width stretched” slab. It should be no more than 400px tall so it doesn’t compete with the hero. It has enough room at the bottom for a paragraph. Avoid breaking it to two paragraphs to conserve on height.

Supporting Paragraph, Pearl Headline

Again, this is is a “full width” slab, not a “full width stretched” slab. It should be no more than 400px tall so it doesn’t compete with the hero. It has enough room at the bottom for a paragraph. Avoid breaking it to two paragraphs to conserve on height.

Supporting Paragraph, Pearl Headline

Again, this is is a “full width” slab, not a “full width stretched” slab. It should be no more than 400px tall so it doesn’t compete with the hero. It has enough room at the bottom for a paragraph. Avoid breaking it to two paragraphs to conserve on height.

End with a Key Point

Two up right, rectangle image

This is ideal for shorter bits of copy, because it can be difficult to read longer paragraphs with a ragged left edge. Three or four lines max. It can be flipped with image on right for longer text.

Two up left, rectangle image

For longer paragraphs, use a left alignment. It is difficult to read multiple lines or long blocks of text with a ragged left edge. Notice how this is easier to read.

It works well with line breaks too.

Two up right, transparent image

This is ideal for shorter bits of copy, because it can be difficult to read longer paragraphs with a ragged left edge. Three or four lines max. It can be flipped with image on right for longer text.

Two up left, transparent image

This is ideal for shorter bits of copy, because it can be difficult to read longer paragraphs with a ragged left edge. Three or four lines max. It can be flipped with image on right for longer text.

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